Someone You May Know…

Someone You May Know…

I was out for an evening with friends the other night when I, as many of us do, found myself absentmindedly scrolling through Facebook. As I skimmed through funny jokes, dramatic rants and annoying ads, I scrolled past a picture that made me stop in my tracks. It was him. Mr. “I’ll never get on Facebook” had finally done just that and the ever so “social” media site thought it was a good idea to let me know that he did. “____________ is someone you may know.” I sat still as a mixture of shock, wonder and rage trickled through my veins like liquid bullets shot from the triggers of my past. Of COURSE I know him. Of course I know the person that singlehandedly broke me…ahem, almost broke me… yet strengthened me beyond my wildest dreams. Of course I know the person that taught me how to love and hate at the same time, no matter if I was looking at his reflection or mine. Yes, as a matter of fact, I do know the person who tried to bury my spirit beneath the ground I now dance on effortlessly. Thank God I did know him because had I not, I wouldn’t know the survivor journey that would eventually lead me to my beautiful husband, the creation of this amazing organization and the countless priceless friends I have made along the way.  I wouldn’t know ME.  Thanks for the reminder, Facebook.  Signed, Someone He Used To Know.